Gretchen is participating in ‘Mega Art in Volterra 2023’ International Art Exhibition at the Lojelo Gallery in Volterra (Pisa), Italy, Tuscany, August 4 - 11, 2023. In collaboration with Claudio Giulianelli and Mega Art and Associates!
A Window on International Contemporary Art
Gretchen participated in “A Window On International Contemporary Art” at M.O.C.A Gallery in Rome, Italy, Piazza degli Zingari, May 24 - June 7, 20223. In collaboration with Claudio Giulianelli and Mega Art and Associates.
Gretchen participated in an International Exhibition at Mega Art Gallery in Corchiano, Italy April 15 - 22, 2023 titled ‘ALL THE COLORS OF THE WORLD’.
Gretchen Participating in Exhibition at The Museo Colle Del Duomo, Viterbo, Italy!
Gretchen is participating in an Exhibition at The Museo Colle Del Duomo, Viterbo, Italy from February 11th through the 25th! Her work will be displayed under the same roof as a Crucifixion by Michelangelo! This is in collaboration with Claudio Guilianelli and Mega Art and Associates!
Gretchen Now an Associate with Mega Art Gallery and Association
Gretchen Now an Associate with Mega Art Gallery and Association based out of Rome, Italy: Gretchen's Page She will be participating in an upcoming exhibition with Mega Art at Spazio Tolomeo in Milan, Italy in January!
On Exhibition Now at Laguna Art!
Gretchen ‘s ‘Other World’ painting was on exhibition at Laguna Art from August 7th to October 29th at their gallery in Mission Viejo, CA!
Shoutout Miami Interviews Gretchen!
Take a look at Shoutout Miami’s recent interview with Gretchen!
Gretchen's Large Drawing Exhibition at Dow Gallery in St Paul!
July 10 - December 1, 2020
A Physical Exhibition Of Seven Large Gel Ink Drawings On Paper on View from July 10 - December 1, 2020 at
Dow Art Gallery And Picture Framing,
Created By Gretchen Grace Dreisbach,
Between 2014 And 2020.
Gretchen's Intention, In Collaboration With Khanh Tran, Owner Of Dow Art Gallery,
Is To Create An "Art Experience".
A Literal Visual Harmonic's Chamber, Where People Can Come To RECEIVE,
The VISUAL Vibration Of LOVE!
2242 University Avenue W.
St.Paul, Minnesota, 55114
Mon-Fri 10-5:30
Sat 11-4
ALL Current Regulations Are Being Honored And Followed Accordingly!
Gretchen is now being represented in Southeast Asia!
We are happy to announce a new partnership with Art Collage JANG, who will be representing Gretchen and showing her work in Southeast Asia!
Art Collage JANG is a culture and arts complex in Seoul, South Korea.
It was founded in 2014 and offers various culture and arts courses and programs for music, fine art, movies, ballet, musical, opera, wine, coffee and more.
The business areas of Art Collage JANG are culture and arts lectures, culture and arts events, sales of paintings, artworks, wine, books, vinyl records, cd and dvd.
Link to their website:
Galactic Dragon
A finished 'Galactic Dragon' - 5' x 5', acrylic paint on canvas, 2016. $45,000
A glorious symphony of visual harmonics in its fluidity of vibrant colors. Gretchen's 2016 masterpiece: 'Galactic Dragon' is available for exhibition and leasing/purchase. This piece must be experienced in person to feel its energy. Inquiries welcome.
The textures of the paint, colors, and brushstrokes.
Gretchen seen here speaking about the visual harmonics created by the colors and each brushstroke!